Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

Professor James Bilzon, University of Bath becomes Director of the Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis Research Versus Arthritis, as Professor Mark Batt retires

From the 2nd of June Professor James Bilzon, University of Bath, has taken over the Directorship of the Centre, as Mark Batt retires from his role.  I am sure you will join us in welcoming James into this role and wishing Mark all the best in his retirement.  

Professor Mark Batt (Outgoing Director)

"Directing our group has been an honour and pleasure, for which I feel truly grateful.  Under new leadership, the Centre will go from strength to strength and tackle new challenges for the collective good and benefit of public and patients"

Professor James Bilzon (Incoming Director)

"I would like to say a big thank you to Mark for leading our Centre so effectively over the last 7+ years, building an incredible team and leaving a significant legacy.  I am sure that you will all join me in thanking him for his many years of unwavering leadership". 


Posted on Friday 5th June 2020