Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

The Military HIp RehabiLitation Outcome (MILO) Study

Traditionally hip pain in adults was thought to have been caused by osteoarthritis. However, advances in imaging and surgery have improved our understanding of hip problems that happen before the onset of arthritis. These pre-arthritic hip disorders can lead to structural changes in and around the joint that cause major hip pain and may mean that the hips do not work properly in young adults.  

The physical demands of military training expose the hip to extreme forces and stresses; pre-arthritic hip pain is common amongst this young active population. It is important that health care providers have access to evidence-based recommendations for the management of patients with this complaint. To date, the results of treatment for pre-arthritic hip disorders have been limited to outcomes after surgery (Hunt et al, 2012). This means that non-surgical treatment options including physiotherapy are poorly understood.  

Aims and Objectives

The research programme will include two studies. The first study will compare the effects of a team-led intervention with individual physiotherapist-led treatment for the management of  non-arthritic hip pain with UK military patients. The second study will look at risk factors for the development of hip pain in military personnel. 

This research aims to improve our understanding of the treatment and prevention of pre-arthritic hip pain in a young active population. 

Work Package Mechanisms of Movement Dysfunction and Interventions (WP2)
Principal Investigator  Russell Coppack
Investigator James Bilzon, Alexander Bennett, Robyn Cassidy, Theodora Papadopoulou,  Ian McCurdie, Laura Partridge, Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Stanford Hall Headley Court; Andrew Wills, Bristol  University