Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

A consensus statement of outcomes of injury predicting hip osteoarthritis: a Delphi study


The Delphi study consists of a structured process that uses a series of questionnaires or ‘rounds’ to collect and refine information until experts agree on an outcome.  

Experts have been selected from a wide range of groups relevant to the fields of exercise, sport, sport injuries and osteoarthritis. These include the Sport Advisory Group, other sporting experts and health professionals. The Sport Advisory Group is formed of Chief Medical Officers for the National Governing Bodies of football, rugby, cricket, horse racing, golf, tennis, athletics, dance, Paralympic sport and from the Ministry of Defence.

What the research hopes to achieve

Our aim, through expert agreement, is to clarify key long-term outcome measures  for use in patients with activity-related hip problems. This will allow similar research in the future.

The study will end when an agreement has been reached on a final list of relevant outcome measures to be used when assessing a patient with activity-related hip pain. A literature search will be performed on these outcomes to establish the current evidence base. We expect that expert agreement will be reached after three rounds of questionnaires.

Work Package Epidemiology (WP1)
Principal Investigator Dr Julia Newton (University of Oxford)
Investigators Dr Kate Jackson
Collaborators Prof Mark Batt, Prof Nigel Arden, Prof Siôn Glyn-Jones