Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

IMSIG Core Group

The International Movement Screening and Interventions Group benefits from the leadership of a Core Group:

Name Institution Country 
Maria Stokes
University of Southampton UK
Paul Muckelt
University of Southampton  UK 
Mark Batt  Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust  UK 
Nadine Booysen University of Southampton UK
Daniel Clifton Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences USA
Carolyn Emery  University of Calgary  Canada 
Jo Fallowfield  Institute of Naval Medicine  UK 
Richard Jones University of Salford UK
Cara L. Lewis  Boston University  USA 
Carly McKay University of Bath UK
Sarah de la Motte Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences USA
Darin Padua  University of North Carolina  USA 
Phil Plisky  University of Evansville / ProRehab-PC   USA 
Duncan Reid Aukland University of Technology New Zealand
Deydre Teyhen  US Army, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii  USA 
Martin Warner University of Southampton UK
Jackie Whittaker   University of British Columbia
